Monday, April 8, 2013


...ok first thing first, it has been ages since i wrote on my last post. Seriously, i do not know where to start, what to post and what year has already begun and there is lot of things that i would like to share with in this post.So here you go....

January 2013.

I felt so lost and in despair when my boss decided to left the company. He has been given the oppurtunity to work with our competitor which is Malindo Air. Well, whatever it is that was his choice which i couldn't do nothing about it. As a result, i have been shifted to Firefly ATR Turbo Props operation in Subang. I left the KLIA operation with so much memories which still in my heart until now. Nothing can compare the team work that we shared with all KLIA staffs. It was a wonderful and joyful journey so far.
I started my first day on 8th January 2013. Ever since that, no more car pooling together with my lovely sweet fiance. To be precise, we share car to work because he is the consultant for KLIA 2.
This was where all the sadden and unbreakable memories begins. After three weeks without car pooling, my fiance travel to work place everyday by bike since this is the only modes of transport that he had so far. Well, i know the consenquences when you travel by bike and it takes you about one hour journey to your work place can leads to fatique and drowsiness. Hence, 30th January marks on my calendar and minds always which the day my fiance met with an accident. His heart bruises so did his intestinal, broken left arms and i do not know how to describe his conditions because i do not want to remember the day if i were given a choice. As far as i concerned, my heart shattered badly  but Allah is Great. I am not sure what has he plans for us, but i do know that He loves us so much....

April 2013

Today is 8th of April 2013 and i amstill here working with ATR Turbo Prop Operation for like 3 months now. There is up and down i can say, but whenever i felt down, i have to wake up again and again no matter what happen. All i know is to be positive thinking and think positive. My fiance is now 90% recovered from the accident. He is much more better than before. I guess the reasons he is recovered fast is because of THE MOMENT THAT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR so long time since our hearts fall for each other. Now, i only hope and pray that everything will goes as plan and Insya Allah, we will be husband and wife on 20th April 2013. How times fly so fast. I am so looking forward to that event which will be a new phase for us. To always hold hand and stand shoulder by shoulder no matter what comes in front of us. Ya Allah, please ease it and gives us a million strength.